Saturday, December 15, 2007


some of the pics we took during our taiwan and hk trip..haha..silly pics..
we tried to do some artistic shots..hahaha...they're not candid.
MNG in was so difficult to find a brand that i recognise...and finally in 101 i saw MNG..i had to pose with it..hahawhile lynnie shi wanted CK.....hmm...

after 3 days in taiwan, we flew over to hk...i was really glad to leave taiwan cos i didn't like the was too messy and difficult to shop over there cos firstly, it's all winterwear. plus, the fashion's really different too as we all know..and at the malls, are only the expensive stuff...
hk was much better in terms of shopping! and at least there were rather clean and proper toilets around (they're v impt to me!! case ya know...) of cos, FOOD WAS GREAT!!!
I had to eat at sweet dynasty once we arrived and checked in.
the top two pics are just a few pics from sweet dynasty...the super yummylicious prawn chee cheong fun and pig's liver congee! the liver's really fresh and not the powdery kind...nice!the bottom pics were taken from a stall at fa yuen street...they sell all the roasted meat...GOOOD! soy sauce chicken rice and the roast goose rice...don't they look super yummy!!
i'm gg to miss all that food...till the nx time i visit hk again =)

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