anyway, we had superbowl...ok in the pics, the bowls don't look v super..haha..but they were quite big for soup la..the bread they served tasted v good...with sunflower seeds in them..not bad!
while slowly enjoying our only dish...haha..we talked alot r/s matters...really interesting to know that girls have many many common thoughts abt such, what we can or cannot stand..some things were funny too..haha...
anyway, jinny, i enjoyed talking to you v much too! (over superbowl)...and yes, the water babies thing is still in my head..i don't know why! i just thought that it was funny to know that jelly-like balls are water how your tuition kid's sci is so good that he had to apply it to his water babies and KILL them! hahaha....looking forward to our nx chatting session!! yayy!

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