yay! xmas dinner was a success!! hope all the nov and dec babies enjoyed themselves too..and like the gifts we got for them. also, thanks to yiping, paul, tim, kelly and clarence for getting the presents..
it was a great red/ green night spent with 17 of you..!
the bday peeps..xx, bev, jl and raymond..the other 3 at the back are extras..hahaha
all of us at bakerzin..but raymond had to leave first to catch his coach to genting
then hym(top row, 3rd from left) came to join us! a man of his word..=)
oops, a candid shot of calvin and miaoxin who came later to join us for villa bali
longest arm award contest..winner is clar! lol
the girls at villa bali-xx, bev, dawn, me
all the effort and time put in was worth it! =)
