Alfian Sa’at adapts Johann S Lee’s
Peculiar Chris, Singapore’s first gay novel, for the stage.....
It not only talks abt the lives gays live and the emotions felt by them, but also abt how s'pore has become a veritable gay wonderland, while repressive attitudes remain as entrenched as ever.....
it's sth worth watching... =)
before meeting the girls for dinner....

an unplanned pyramid...haha...and the girls said that clar looked like he's the dad of many daughters....ahahaha...

look at clar's hand and leg....and my bag peeping out...hahaha...we're not the pros...

they are! -the 2 (vee and jillian) who said they love appearing on my blog...hahahaha!! suddenly remembered that they are the ones who will be leaving back to US and UK soon...i'm gg to miss them!!! =(((
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