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hey guys! i'm back! hahaha...i'm so sorry abt the disappearing act la k...well, i was la, i was just too lazy...and also cos of some housing's been a tiring start i must say becos after shifting into my new apartment and settling down, getting to know my iranian roommate (who's really pretty in an exotic way), mixing around with the ntu pple and blah blah...some ang moh by the name of TAYLOR wanted to swap rooms with me cos she has 2 close friends in my apartment and apparently they all belong to the same iranian friend(elaheh) is also part of the clique but she's not really close to taylor. ANYWAY, yes,..she wanted to swap rooms but becos i've alr unpacked and i was rather comfortable with everything, i didn't want to shift. however....that girl had to come to my room and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE with me. it was irritating so although i tol her i really didn't feel like it, i was still thinking abt the issue as her other roommates are my fellow ntu sch mates. until yesterday when her best friend shifted into my apartment, she and her mom came along and she didn't even dare to come ask me again. instead, she got her mom to ask for her! aiyooo..she's such a baby and now i don't even think these americans are strong and tough people all must be thinking that she's some cutie pie...who is shy and all....NOOOOOOOO she's big and looks older than she is! comparing to asians, she's classified fat. like, not plump but fat. anyway, her mom was telling me how young she is....only 20 and she's so soft-hearted and that she's been wanting to stay with her friends for a year...awwwww come on, she's fat and babyish and weak and so reliant. and i'm 20 tooo. i was thinking, why can't she just learn to mix around and what's the big deal, just staying one floor below. is it that difficult...but oh well, the REAL soft-hearted person (ME) gave in to that huge taylor in the end to avoid anymore of her begging and nonsense. SO now i'm staying with my s'porean friends and it's kinda good cos they cook and so i won't have to eat out and microwave frozen food all the time..haha....but ya, i still talk to my iranian friend and we'll prob meet up. if there's a chance, i'll show you all her pic. she's a really nice girl!
alright, now i'm comfortably sitting in my room with everything put nicely and stuff...the bed's low now...(previously it was high and i had to hope a little to THEN climb up onto the bed)'s much easier for me over here. yes no worries my family, fush and friends! haha...i'm really fine. and to popsie and momsie, stop calling me out of the blue and telling me that you all just call for fun...haha..i appreciate it but i will call ok....and PLUS, now that sch's started, it'll be better if i called home. but you all can just leave msgs on skype like what popsie does, or you can get tootsie to just pass the msg since she's always online, RIGHT tootsie......hahahaha...okok let me see....i shall show you all some pics of some parts of the sch...ok la, actually i only took 2 pics...shall take more nx time ok! just appreciate these 2 for now la! aiyo.

these are some pics of the ntu pple i'm with now....

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