Saturday, September 6, 2008

I survived THE NIGHT...*Cya in 36*

it was a long night..a very very long night i must say. no, i think it's better to describe yesterday as the longest day EVER.

first, i got up at 1110am..sounds late huh, in fact, yes, i was not in time for my first lecture which i didn't even intend to go for as it's not very useful ( a total waste of time). and so i thought i'd try to use the time to probably study for my coming test on tues. but...nope, my mind was just somewhere else..thinking..thinking..maybe imagining will sound more right. i was imagining how long and dreadful the next 5 weeks would be without clarwu as he'd be away in london for training. my mind was just occupied with that no matter how much i tried to distract myself..maybe cos my notes were far too boring. but was just stuck in my head..and the feeling was terrible.

FINALLY, it was 5 in the evening, and i decided to drop by vivo to get a little gift for him before heading to the airport. i thought it would serve as a good distraction..spend some money and get high on shopping. Retail therapy? Lousy. Everything looked so uninteresting! But well, somehow i found a black tie with mini checkers from zara..formal with a fancy touch. i love it! haha..i hope you do too =) after zara, i knew what i wanted to get next..his fav "twix" for his long flight there..actually, it's TWIRL (he enjoys acting dory-ishly..dory's the fish in nemo that suffers from short term memory loss).

THEN it was time to leave for the airport. the train ride was torturously long and when i reached CHANGI AIRPORT after forever, i immediately felt the grossness of it. the freezing air, sounds caused by the luggage's rolling wheels, crowds of youngsters looking excited to see their friends off, while some were looking at the screen to check the flight details...blah all, the airport gives me a depressing feeling even if i'm going on a holiday. ewww. the feeling was almost overwhelming, so much so that i felt like taking a train back home. but fortunately, yiping came to accompany me and it helped so much. she's so funny..she lightened the mood and stopped all the imagination which i had earlier. thanks so much for taking time to "see him off" haha.. and so everything turned out good. clar came to join us for a drink and we still talked and joked as emo rubbish at all. haha...

1050pm! it's the moment of truth..hahaha...alrite, he had to go in and come out of there only after 5 weeks. but all of us sent him off with a smile. yayy! even i thought it was such an unbelievable outcome. amazing. not that i wanted to be crying and sink into depression..but it just seemed easier than i IMAGINED it to be. of cos, i wasn't like, yayy!-happy abt him leaving but i'd think that i felt much better when the actual farewell took place as compared to the imaginary farewell.

i guess it's the power of the mind...really. no doubt that the truth hurts (As everyone knows), but i think (bad) imagination kills.

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