Friday, March 9, 2007

oiii lynnies tootsie shi.....this post is for you! these are the stuff which i bought for you momsie and zai that day when i went to the outlet shops again. this time i didn't buy much for myself....but for the 3 of you!! hope y'all like what i bought....i'm sure y'all will...cos i've GREAT TASTE. thanks. you know that too deep down in your heart, i know. can't deny it right....cos you love those tees i got for you! hahaha.......anyway, i think the adicolor jacket is v cool. FOR YOU!
NEXT, zainah....although you're polluting my bed with oil and make-up, i forgive you...i still bought you such a beautiful asked for just a fossil BUT i got you a DKNY....touched'd better! i spent so much time choosing the best watch that will suit your fair smooth wrist......yucks. hahaha....anyway, this all-black watch is really sleek and the face is looong. but still, COOL. check it out. your bday gift ahh.....compensation for all the nightmarish bdays i've created for you the past few yrs.....hahahaha....and for momsie....i got you a liz claiborne bag for's so nice right...interesting colours but simple. i'm sure you like it...since you always trust my taste and ask for my opinions when shopping. hahaha....that's all for now......will cont shopping for pretty stuff...hahaha.....!!

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