Sunday, September 23, 2007

it's recess!!

my pops and mom are back frm shanghai....! and i didn't even know until they woke me up this morning....i thought they were coming back on sun...hahaha...but one sad thing....i can't have a whole big bed to myself alr!!! oh, tt's cos when they were away i "shifted" to their room and slept on their bed every, messed the room quite a bit..etc etc etc...

anyway! my mom bought a's pink and purple and gold....sooo pretty!
oh yes...yesterday was the last day of sch before fall break! clar and i agreed to 'groom' ourselves...hahaha....
had dinner at some jap place in raffles was small but the food was yummylicious...esp the sashimi...! and i caught a few shots of clar the pig...!
the evening/ night was, eating, watching chuck n larry...
and yeah, clarwu, thanks for walking all the way from rock in suntec to the jap place in raffles city cos of my carelessness ( i actually left my new purchase at the eating place!! i was quite sad laa...but you made my night! thank you!! =) )

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