had a gip bbq at agnes' on mon...sooo happy to see most of the gipeeps there...but js the special guest wasn't there!! he owes us soo many outings....anyway, had a great time w everyone!
all the girls there...(huiting, dawn, me, yiping, agnes, hannah and beverly)

some of the guys who were there....(pr, raymond, jon, clar and dylan)

malibu girls (me, yiping and huiting)....hahaha...erm...with kelly and paul(extras) and......dylan(super extra)....

the real bbq-er is paul! hahaha....jl is the assnt...yiping and i acting busy...
hahaha....yiping always acting helpful....

yeahh....it's better seeing her with a choc cake...(it's really baked by her from scratch...!)

BUT when nbs guys take over to bbq.....there's a fire....

they act as if they're doing sth great..act cool.....and in e end the food is black.

Agnes, thanks for org the bbq!
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