Tuesday, December 19, 2006

tonight was just fabulous! first of all, a big THANK YOU to alvin who was our "driver", making tonight's outing a really succesful one-from villa bali to geylang then to hougang(yiping's home,uluuuu..haha) and back to somewhere near villa(alicia's home) then to ivory hts(my home =)) in all, it was fun because we got to see some really beautiful houses which were colonial like...it's a pity i couldn't take any pics of them cos it was soo dark and it was pouring crazily. nvm...one day...one day if i ever get to see those houses again, i'll take some shots and post them.

anyway, i must say that the weather has been terrible terrible terrible for the entire day! urgh! k la..i shan't complain since i still got to visit the pretty villa bali. the pub looks so like a resort...and seriously, we felt like we were in some resort in bali...i'm not trying to be lame here k...it's TRUE!! the deco and the ambience were really good, place was peaceful and all...it's an ideal place to chill and at the same time, get away from the crowd. BUT it's rather inaccessible...

here are just a few pics of the place...

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