when i entered the car, you said you had sth to give to me. and since you've been giving me my (loooooong overdue) london gifts one at a time, i thought it was THE ONE which i've been wanting to see the most..! haha but from your cute lil bag, you took out a gift wrapped in plastic foil......it. was. The Little BLACK BOOK of STYLE by Nina Garcia! it was last year right after my exams when i said i wanted to get it but becos it was sold out in most of the bookstores except borders (at which it was sold for 30 plus, 40), i kinda gave up getting the book. moreover, i just bought The ONE HUNDRED. you even offered to buy it from borders, i remember...but i told you not to cos i'd probably get it when i felt richer. haha...the holidays came and now school's started...so many events have taken place that my want for the book has been
almost fully buried until you showed me the surprise gift! thank you so much for remembering and even more for bothering to order the book online. i really love the surprise!!! i'm going to keep it in mint condition!
you've made me understand what surprises really are. they do not have to occur all the time; they do not have to occur on special occasions. what make surprises so special are the feelings experienced by the recipient especially when sth unanticipated takes place. true enough, your surprises may not be many but whenever they happen, they are always unexpected which is good, cos they definitely have the element of surprise. and every surprise you give, it is special. really special. thank YOU.