and ya, he just told me that christmas is coming soon. haha..think many will roll their eyes. but hey, it really is! and i'm excited about it. what should this year's christmas theme be..........i want something colourful/vibrant! not the boring red and green againnn....hmmm
how about.......
idea no. 1: let's get christmassy with the ever-so-popular BOW CRAZE
to make it obvious, how abt guys wearing bow ties while girls going all girly with ribbons (obvious and preferably, big ones)
hahaa...i'd love to see the guys in bow ties. cool. but i know that the guys will come up with silly excuses...
idea no. 2: MiS-MATCH!
be dressed in at least 4 different striking colours! to make things easier, shoes be included. NO WHITE pls...
shall think of more ideas during my spare time. be continued.