it's coming to the end of my attachment at A*STAR..sooon sooon.....just fri left.
so effectively, today was my last day carrying a hello! paper bag with my water bottle, tonnes of notes, and my lunchbox, and my black guess bag containing my logbook, umbrella, hp earpieces, jurong island and astar passes, etc..walking along the pavement from the interchange back home under the evening sun at 6:05pm! and amazingly, i enjoyed the walk very much..i think today was the only time i was so into my thoughts that i forgot about the amount of carbon monoxide around me.
i was just looking at the birds in the sky, the grass around me, the bird on the grass patch pecking away..ok, sounds damn drama..but i really was! and i realised that today all these look beautiful to me..for once, i was not thinking about how i could rush home to seek shelter from the evening sun and hide myself from the harmful carbon monoxide. instead, i was feeling thankful for many many many things in my life..the people around me...
this week, being my last week at work, has been very busy cos my ntu prof will be visiting astar on fri (tmr) to collect my report and logbook. AND i've only started on these last wed? plus, my datasets were all over the place..i don't even remember which folders they're in..or what those data i've saved meant. i was so afraid that i wouldn't be able to complete all the updates in the logbook and my report in time. if not, maybe i'd have to stay up late every night..! but noo, the Lord has been seeing me through all that this week. i even got to go out yesterday for a good meal with clar. i'm still typing this blog entry..and have been watching tv everyday this week..also, i've been sleeping earlier than usual! with His wonders, everything seems to be in place...and i'm loving it!
on top of that, i've got a really good supervisor who has been helping me alot since i started my IO. even for my IO report, he puts in extra time to edit and go through the drafts with me section by section. today he took half-day leave BUT being so responsible and caring, he told me to email him my final draft by tonight so that he could look through it and if necessary, he'll take the liberty to edit my report and produce the final version! i'm amazed!
besides being so blessed at work, i've got a great mom who has been waking up in the morning to pack my breakfast and sometimes even prepare lunch in a lunchbox, fills my water bottle and pack all these into the hello!paper bag for me. every morning, i just grab the paper bag, say thank you and goodbye, and rush off to work (as i'm always just on time). it may seem as though i've been taking her for granted but in fact, i love my mom and really appreciate what she's been doing for me every morning. =)
and of cos, i am thankful for my family who's been always there for me, for my dad who always makes sure that we live well, and well-provided for, well-protected.
not forgetting, clarence who always gives me morning smses to ask 'how's it going'..haha...those smses may not be the long and mushy kind..but it's the thought that counts as everyone always's nice and comforting(especially during stressful times) to know that you're on someone's mind. it's that sweet..
so, anyway, my thoughts...wrapped in a sentence- I am so blessed.
sounds so is! it is that doesn't take much to know you're blessed...but somehow, in this worldly world, we're just too caught up with the worldly issues, we tend to think like worldly people - complicated. is there a need for that, when it actually causes worries, stress, and at the end, emptiness? why not be more aware of what's been given to you, enjoy the benefits, and simply count your blessings.